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Usman Ghazi



» » » 10 best Chandler quotes in memory of Matthew Perry

As fans mourn the loss of Matthew Perry, Friends fans around the globe are remembering their favorite quotes from the iconic character, Chandler Bing.

The Friends character was known for his sarcastic humor, and one-liners with many fans across the globe saying his jokes ‘got them through the darkest of days.’ We take a look back at our, and Twitter‘s favorite Chandler Bing quotes. We’re not great at advice, can we offer you a Chandler quote instead?

Chandler Bing and Monica engagement photos pullig funny faces
Credit: Netflix/Friends

“I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”

A quote that will live on, and will be said for generations to come. This quote came in season 8, when Rachel was confiding in her friend for advice on her drama with Joey.

Oh, the relationship that could have been.

“Hi, I’m Chandler, I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable”

Oh, the never-ending drama of Richard and Monica. Poor Chandler could never get a break from the stud with a mustache.

He’s just about to propose to the love of his life, Monica Geller, when her ex Richard comes walking into the restaurant with his new partner.

The line, which sums up the character comes after Monica compliments her ex on his moustache, to which Chandler says to his new girlfriend: “And you don’t have a moustache.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

So, this one is more about the context than the quote. In arguably one of the most iconic episodes ever, The One with the Cop, Ross Ross decides to move his new couch to his apartment by himself, to save himself on the delivery fee.

In the epic scene, when trying to take the heavy coach off the stairs, in a line that will never remove itself from our brain, Ross can be heard screaming: “Pivot. Pivot! Pivot! Pi-vot. Pi-vot. Pi-vot!”

To which Chandler screams: “Shut up. Shut up! Shut UP!” Honestly, Chandler Bing was a mood.

“Up until 25 I thought the only response to ‘I love you’ was ‘Oh c**p'”

Another way the character just shows he’s a complete mood. The character played by Matthew Perry made people who were unlucky in love feel seen with his quotes.

Just another iconic quote that came from Joey and Rachel’s troubled love story. That didn’t work out in the end, but at least we got iconic Bing quotes to last us a lifetime.

In a huge plot twist, by season 8, Chandler’s married and Joey’s the one struggling in love. Who would’ve ever thought we’d see the day?

“If I were a guy and… did I just say ‘If I were a guy?’”

Once again, he’s offering relationship advice, but he may have gotten a little bit too caught up in this one…

Pheobe’s just told Mike the way he was planning to propose to her was “so tacky” after already saying no in Barbados.

Chandler’s trying to put himself in Mike’s shoes by imagining what he’d do if he ‘were a guy.’ But wait…

Matthew Perry’s favorite Friends quote: “OK. You have to stop the Q-tip when there’s resistance.”

This one is a favorite of many, but it’s also Matthew Perry‘s favorite ever Chandler Bing quote.

In an interview with Good Morning America, he chose the scene with Joey recommending his family tailor. Of course, we know that didn’t end very well.

In regular Tribbiani fashion, Joey gets confused about his age, leaving Chandler to respond with his favorite, most iconic quote.

“And I’m not ‘blah’ I am a hoot!”

Of course, we know a girl would never come between Joey and Chandler, but Kathy, and Janine, played by Elle McPherson came pretty close.

This iconic Chandler Bing quote comes from when Janine reveals to Joey that she’s not too keen on his besties, Chandler and Monica, saying Chandler is too “blah.”

That relationship obviously didn’t last too long, and of course, Monica gave Janine a piece of her mind.

“What’s wrong with me? Oh.. don’t open that door.”

The One With the Vows. Our fave thought he’d never get married, and now here he is writing his vows for the love of his life.

He sees Monica writing words down as fast as Speedy Gonzales, which prompts him to say (in his head): “Look at her go! She must love me more than I love her! What’s wrong with me? Ooh, don’t open that door.”

Even his thoughts are funny.

“I’m funny, right? What do you know? You’re a door. You only like knock-knock jokes.”

Oh Chandler, if those walls (or doors) could talk. But yes, they would definitely say you were funny.

There’s no doubt about that one.

Rachel: “Should we get some coffee?” Chandler: “Where?”

Friends cast last episode, leaving their empty apartment
Credit: Friends/Netflix

In the most emotional time ever, Chandler still manages to crack a joke. Chandler and Matthew Perry had one of the last quotes in the Friends series, jokingly asking where they should go for coffee, as they move out the iconic apartment, after spending 10 years glued to the sofa of Central Perk.

Even in times of misery, Chandler Bing never failed to make people smile. RIP Matthew Perry.

The post 10 best Chandler quotes in memory of Matthew Perry appeared first on HITC.

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