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Usman Ghazi



» » » You can get paid $1,000 to 'make your bed everyday' for a month

Making your bed just became better as a company is ready to pay you $1000 for just completing this small task in the morning.

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Children making bed in their room before the online lessons
(Imgorthand/ Getty Images)

What do you have to do?

Shane Co. is organizing an event where you will be able to make $1000 just by making your bed every day. As stated, all you have to do is make sure that your bed is neat and tidy after you wake up in the morning.

The idea behind this is simple, that is, you have to document how you feel after making your. While for a few it might be an easy task, for some, it takes a long time to make their bed.

Shane Co. is aware of this and wants to hear how people’s lives change after they make the bed for 30 consecutive days.

How to apply

To apply, you have to be 18 or older and must be a US citizen or a permanent resident. If this applies to you, all you have to do is fill out the form and answer basic questions such as your name, email ID, if you make your bed regularly, and more.

Keep in mind that if you do not fill out the form, you will not have an official entry. You have until December 8, 2022 to take part.

Following this, Shane Co. will go through the pool of candidates and choose a winner.

Rosita Missoni Hosts The Launch Of The New Missoni Hotel
Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

When will the winner be announced?

The winner will be announced on December 22, 2023. The winner will be contacted by email and/or letter and must claim their prize within two days of the announcement.

If the first winner fails to do so, the company will look for a replacement winner. So keep in mind to check your emails closely.

The post You can get paid $1,000 to 'make your bed everyday' for a month appeared first on HITC.

from HITC https://ift.tt/DNeiBLc

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